Calm those nerves
Auditions make people nervous. That’s totally understandable! But you can’t let your nerves ruin your opportunity to get that part you are after! For your next audition, try these steps and see if you have a stronger, more relaxed, more focused audition.
Experts say eight hours is what we need. That may be wishful thinking, but on audition days do your absolute best to get as much sleep the night before as you can. Being tired will hinder your ability to listen, to quickly take direction, and draw from your much needed creative energy.
Eat Well
Stay away from sugary foods—the crash is a killer. Unless you function best after a heavy meal, try to avoid it. Go for good energy food, like proteins!
Use Relaxation Techniques
Before you head out to your audition, put soothing music on. Lay on your back, palms flat on the floor, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, relaxing the body. Give yourself a good 15 minutes if you can. It’s important to put yourself in the frame of mind to go to work and to get rid of anything positive, or negative, that’s happened in your day to this point. You’re going to play another character, so it’s time to ‘get your life out of the way’!
Do Vocal Warm-Ups and Stretch
Get those vocal cracks and pops out — you don’t want them making an appearance during your audition and ruining your focus. Stretch your muscles. Start with the head and go all the way to the toes. Loosen your entire body. Massage your upper and lower jaw and wake your face up.
Stay Hydrated
Drink water. You’ve heard it for years. Your body needs water to keep everything flowing. You’ll feel better, be more alert, and have more energy.
Keep Focused
Find a place you can stand and keep your energy level up. Stay focused on your job and keep your body and mind loose. Just before you go into your audition, take a deep breath. Fill your diaphragm and then release. This will hopefully let go of whatever anxiety has built up during your wait.
Break a leg!