How to pose properly for photos
Whether you are an actor, a singer, dancer, or model, there are always publicity photos needed, and learning to pose properly can mean the difference between having photographs you are proud of, or embarrassed by! Shoots are often busy and rushed environments, and photographer’s don’t always have the time to ensure each person posing is taught what to do, they may expect that you already know how – so get to the shoot knowing these simple tips, and you’ll feel a lot more prepared!
1. Avoid the dreaded double chin! Even someone quite slim can appear to have one if taken from the wrong angle, but there are a couple of things you can do to avoid this! First of all, have the photographer (if willing) be photographing you from a slightly higher angle (e.g.. them standing and you seated on a chair). Secondly, you can push your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you smile or pose – this sounds weird, I know, but it tightens the neck muscles and totally works! :)2. Angle your face – a straight on shot usually isn’t as flattering as a slight angle, so tilt the top of your head a little or go for that very pretty ‘half profile-half straight to camera’ angle where possible.
3. Remember you don’t have to grin in every picture. Try a closed mouth smile, a slightly sad or confused face, or think about something. A thought can create subtle differences in expression that make for interesting photos.
4. Watch for squished arms! This is why many actresses on red carpets put hands on hips, or have their arm loosely to the side. No one looks in proportion when squishing their arm against their torso!
5. Practice good posture. You’ve heard it a million times, but standing up straight really does make a difference. Not only will it elongate you in photos, but it gives you a look of strength and confidence, which is naturally alluring.
6. Understand proportion. It’s a basic rule: Whatever is closer to the camera will appear larger. If there is anything you think is a little on the large side, make sure it is not the closest thing to the lens or it will appear bigger!
7. Be natural – loosen up! The more stiffly posed you are, the more awkward it will look.
8. Practice your facial expressions in the mirror. There is not just ‘happy’ and ‘sad’. There are many subtle emotions you will want to play with, so you feel like you have more to play with when in front of the camera.
9. Want to streamline your physique? Position your body 45 degrees and plant one foot slightly in front of the other. This will make for a slimmer, more flattering photo every time!
10. Embrace everything that makes you who you are. Some people would rather be taller, or shorter, or skinnier, or have more curves. Remember that 10 years ago, people thought you couldn’t be a model if covered in freckles, and now it is considered adorable! The most important tip I can give you is to tell yourself ‘I look awesome, I’ve got this!’ before you get on set. Talent who radiate a friendly, down to Earth confidence, shine on camera every time!